Sunday, February 14, 2016

ISU Communiversity

Every now and then ISU host different events for the community. A few weeks into the Spring semester each year they do an event called Communiversity. I had to volunteer there for an hour at a psychology booth, so Rebecca brought the kids and met me up there. They were actually there for the full three hours, but I only got to hang out with them for one hour.

At the event they had lots of different booths from all of the different departments. Those definitely were not the highlight of the event though. They also had free hot dogs and chips, bounce mazes, hover boards (not real ones like on Back to the Future), free bowling and pool, free t-shirts, and different kinds of indoor sports challenges. Their favorite was a money grabbing room/booth. It was this small phone booth size enclosure that they got to enter. Rebecca sent two kids in at a time. Then the money and other prize papers (you could get a small candy for each paper) would fly around and the kids could grab as much as they could. Rebecca thinks because we had two kids in it kind of stopped the airflow because the kids were grabbing a ton. At the end of Ethan's turn he had an arm full of $1 bills. The lady running it made him put it down though and try again. He ended up with just $4 the second time around. Julia was in there with Elliott. She kept on grabbing the money and then handing it to Elliott to hold. But then Elliott was so excited about everything floating that he would throw it back in the air. Julia, Elliott, and Christian all ended up with $2. There were maybe 500 plus kids there, so I don't know how they had enough money to run that booth, but our kids sure loved it.

The kids said thank you several times for taking them to it. We are looking forward to the next activity at ISU. It is fun living in a college town where we can do a lot of these things.

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