Sunday, October 25, 2015

Caleb's Birthday

Since I was in Washington DC I missed celebrating Caleb's birthday (October 16th) with him. So yesterday I traveled up to Rexburg and we went out to lunch. We went to Cafe Rio. It was really good. For some reason I had been mistaking Cafe Rio for Qdoba, which I do not really like - but the food at Cafe Rio was much better than food I have gotten from Qdoba in the past.

It was fun to be able to catch up with him and see how his semester has been going. After eating we walked around his neighborhood some. We got to see an x-wing fighter that someone had built which was cool and lots of other Halloween decorations. We also walked over to Amery's place. She wasn't there, but I thought it was funny to see her roommates' reaction when Caleb introduced himself as her uncle. It was also fun to just be around the college life of a church university again - it reminded me of my days at BYU. Although I haven't really ever left college life since BYU, college life at Oklahoma State University, University of Alaska Anchorage, and Idaho State University just seems a little different.

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