Sunday, April 1, 2018

Christian's Birthday

Back in early March, Christian turned 8. Eight is an extra special birthday and he is super excited to get baptized next week. I didn't get many pictures, but for his friend party he wanted a jungle theme. We played a game where the kids made animal sounds and the person who was it, while having his eyes closed, had to guess who the other kids where based on their sounds. We also did a jungle hunt for some stuffed animals that were hidden around the house, we did hunting where Ethan shot them with his gun while they tried to escape, we played a game where some of them were birds with eggs (balloons) that they tried to protect while the other kids were snakes and they tried to pop the eggs, and we played Don't Eat Pete, but with animal crackers. The kids had a fun time, but it was wild and crazy. There was also the start of a real skirmish between two of the boys, so I had to make sure that those two didn't get too close to each other for the rest of the party.

For the family party day Christian picked monkey bread and bacon for breakfast, we ended up skipping lunch because everyone was full from breakfast, we did pizza for dinner, and a chocolate cherry cheesecake for dessert. My parents were in town for his birthday and we had a fun time just hanging out with them.

A few things about our now 8 year old Christian:

  • He loves to write his books. He has a couple of stories that he has been working on that he just slowly adds to almost every day. Typically they are about a family that has different spy adventures as they travel around the world.
  • He also likes to read. His favorite series has been the Land of Stories.
  • He likes animals a lot, especially bugs and reptiles. He likes to read educational books about them.
  • He likes to be outside.
  • He is really independent and seems to be just as happy playing on his own compared to playing with his siblings.
  • He likes sports, but often prefers to watch Ethan and Elliott play, than play himself.
  • He is really smart and does super well in school. He does often know how to spell words that I can't spell even if he has never seen the word spelled out before. He is also one of those kids who knows which days of the week certain days will be. He is really quick with math and logic problems.

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