Sunday, September 26, 2010

Blood, Sweat, and Tears

War wounds from substituting today at church (I have more bite marks, but they didn't break the skin). Luckily the regular nursery teacher will be back next week. I'm wondering if I should get a Rabies shot.

Winter pajamas from Grandparents (Ethan's are in the wash). Yes, winter is quickly coming upon us--we saw snowflakes this morning, and although nothing stuck here, there's a dusting on the mountain tops.

Christian's really enjoying food--he especially likes plums and broccoli

Finally, physical proof of what Joshua's been up to these last nine plus years


Unknown said...

It sounds like those Alaska nursery kids are a lot more rambunctious than the kids down here in the lower 48 states. Dang!

Christina said...

Haha! Love the nursery commentary. Were any of the children foaming at the mouth? If not, I'd say you're ok in the rabies department. :)
And does Christian have BLUE eyes?! They are beautiful! I was really hoping to get a blue-eyed kid but alas, my dominant browns seem to have won out.

Tina said...

Wow! This is a crazy bite! Sure it wasn't a little bear cub? Just kidding! I think it is amazing that you guys are in Alaska! What an adventure you guys are living. Can't wait to read and see more about it.

whitney said...

Wow! You are one tough cookie w/that bite! Ouch!

Good luck w/the winter ahead...your post made me a little chilly, lol.

Gardners said...

Holy Smokes, Rebecca! That's a dedicated leader! The trick will now be to continue loving that kid week after week, right? :)

The Abel family said...

Wow! Your nursery experience is awful. I would be afraid to send my kids to nursery if this is how the leaders are treated. I can't imagine what the poor little classmates must go through:(