Sunday, November 8, 2009

First Day of Nursery

Today was Ethan's first day in Nursery! I can't believe he's growing up so quickly. Luckily, he has just barely started to get the hang of standing (he's been able to walk, but has fallen when he doesn't have a destination), so hopefully he'll be able to hold his own in there. Because Julia's still in nursery, he already has a friend in class; today she did a great job helping to bring him to class and comfort him throughout the two hour block. He was a little hesitant today, but I think soon he'll really warm up and be grateful to be in there instead of Sunday school (I think the Sunday school attendees are already grateful for the peace and quiet and not being Cheerio targets to Ethan's surprisingly and unfortunately accurate throws). We are so proud of him!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Isn't it great when they finally make it to nursery!! If I ran the zoo (and I don't...) I would have the little ones go to nursery at 16 mos. They are so squirmy and noisy when they are that age. Sooo hard!! I'm glad that Ethan had Julia in there to help him transition. So nice!!
It looks like you guys have been up to so much fun there! I am so jealous of all the church history you are around!! How neat!! Your family is just so cute!! I love all the pictures!!