Sunday, October 6, 2019

Fall Hike

Due to parent-teacher conferences, our children had a four day weekend. We decided to take advantage of the break by doing a hike on Friday morning. We had originally planned on camping out in a yurt just outside of Pocatello, but we found out that the yurt wouldn't be set up until November 1st. So we decided to just hike out to it and see if we could find it instead. The hike is located back in the mountains where there are a lot of trees with pretty fall colors.

We got to the start and it was kind of cold with a little overcast. The hike started out on a dirt road for about a mile. Then it switched to a trail for another mile and a half. When we got to the trail part it started to snow. The children loved catching it in their mouths. The snow was coming down in huge clumps, but not sticking on the ground at that point in the hike.

The final little bit is just back in the woods trying to find the yurt. It is not visible from the trail and there is not a really clear path to it. By this time the snow was sticking and so Rebecca and the children hid out under a tree while I sent searching for it. I did find it, but it was all packed up still. Going back in the snow was hard work. It was snowing hard for a while and we all got soaked. But we made it. And it was a pretty fun fall adventure.

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