Sunday, November 18, 2012

Julia's 6th Birthday

We celebrated Julia's birthday last weekend, and it was the first time she wanted to have a party with friends.  She invited a few from her school, some from church and one from the neighborhood.  Her main concern for her birthday party invitations was making sure no one felt left out, including her brothers.  Joshua headed up the games, which included pinning wings on Tinkerbell, popping balloons, doing a scavenger hunt, going to Jerusalem, and a few more.  It was so fun to watch the kids interact with each other and to talk with some of the parents of kids she mentions from school.  I think the kids all had a great time, and Ethan and Christian really loved participating too.

Her actual birthday fell on a school day, so we sent her to class with oatmeal raisin cookies, since there is a rule in the school district against bringing cupcakes or unhealthy snacks for birthdays (sad!).  That afternoon Joshua took off work and Julia opened presents (thanks Grandmas and Grandpas for the wonderful things you sent!), and we went shopping and came home and, at her request, did some family tackle and painting (not at the same time).  She has been really into drawing and painting and dancing and anything art related, so she loved having a new easel and art/craft supplies to try out, and a dance instruction video to dance to.  After cake, we let her stay up after the boys went to bed for some one-on-one checkers and painting with Mom and Dad.

We feel so lucky to have Julia in our family.  She is so smart, considerate, caring, unselfish, affectionate, creative, and has a desire to always choose the right.  She is a wonderful sister, and a great helper in our home, and always amazes me with her complex thoughts and ideas.  She loves beautiful things, but at the same time loves to roughhouse with the boys and play pirate ship with them; and she loves to read (about any topic).  We love you Julia!

1 comment:

Talitha said...

Oh my goodness I can't beleive Julia is 6 and I missed her birthday! Actully I can... It seams like I just can't keep up anymore! Well I hope she had a fun day! It looks like it. I can't wait to see all of you guys next summer!