Sunday, September 9, 2012

Julia's first day of School

Julia started school a couple of weeks ago at a charter school here for half-day Kindergarten!  We are so excited for her and proud of her.   She was a little anxious about it all summer, wondering if she would like it, and now she just loves it!  She has a great teacher and looks forward to every school day.  I have dreaded this day for a long time--it means she is growing up--and we miss her at home (Ethan feels a bit left behind), but I am glad she is so happy experiencing new things and learning so much and so that makes me happy.  Plus Ethan gets to be the man of the house for a few hours, which I think he is starting to enjoy.

The school's open house is this week, and we are all really looking forward to attending and seeing more into what her day and her classmates are like!


SSToone said...

So jealous that you guys have charter schools! Wow, she surely looks like you!

Talitha said...

The kids look so big and cute! It looks like it was a fun summer. I can't wait to see everyone for Christmas and Isaac's wedding!