Sunday, October 3, 2010

Happy General Conference!

We love General Conference! We really look forward to hearing the prophet and other leaders address us every April and October. And of course it's an excuse to laze around the house in pajamas and enjoy Joshua's amazing cinnamon rolls for breakfast--a burgeoning family tradition.
During Conference we decided to braid Julia's hair and then undo it after it dried to see what would happen. I think it left kind of a Hermione Granger effect.

A couple of nights ago when we were checking on the kids before we went to bed, we discovered Ethan asleep with Christian in his crib! They were actually lying almost cheek-to-cheek but the flash made them shuffle a little.

1 comment:

F said...

so cute! julia's a babe, and those boys are adorable! give them all good hugs for me!