This last month we've all been adjusting to becoming a family of five. Julia and Ethan love Christian and love to help change his diaper, give him hugs, include him in playing catch, hold him on their laps, and use him as a rug to step on. I think he's going to be the toughest Swift yet.

All three on the bed

Julia is a great big sister--she always tries to soothe him when he cries with singing, cuddling, giving him a pacifier, and letting him know she loves him.

I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship

I think he looks a little like Julia when she was a baby. He is growing really quickly--yesterday he even rolled over!
A couple of weeks ago we found a toddler bed at a garage sale, and decided to get it for Ethan so that we could upgrade Christian from the pack 'n play to the crib. At bedtime on the first night of the toddler bed, he kept hopping out of the bed to play with toys, but when we checked on him a few minutes later, he was sleeping in the bed.

Roommates--Ethan in the new toddler bed and Julia on her twin bed without the frame

Lately the kids and I have been going to the park a lot. Although it's quite a trick to keep track of Julia and Ethan while holding Christian or lugging him around in his car seat, it's better than going crazy being cooped up at home and the kids love it.

Usually we go to a park with a playground, but when the Swifts were here we went to feed the ducks for a change.