I wanted to give some more details about Christian's birthday. Early in the morning, I started feeling some contractions but was able to dose in and out of sleep until about 6. By then, I realized today (last Thursday, March 4th) was probably the day because the contractions were increasing instead of going away. However, my parents weren't flying in until that evening, and I still had laundry and grocery shopping to do that day. So Joshua went off to work, and I thought/hoped I could last until the evening. But, the contractions started growing very close together and very painful, and around 9:00 I called a friend to come take the kids. When she arrived at 9:30 I was feeling terrible and knew I needed to get to the hospital as soon as possible. Joshua had rode his bike to work though, and I didn't want to wait for him to ride all the way home, so I decided to pick him up (the hospital is a couple blocks away from his work). Probably a dumb idea, because my contractions were about a minute apart, but luckily I made it and we got to the hospital about 10. It seemed like it took forever to get into the room and have the nurse see me, and all I could think about was the pain. Finally, the nurse saw me and said I was fully dilated and I waited a couple more minutes for the doctor to arrive, and then about 45 seconds later, Christian was born 10:32 am!
We love him so much; I am so grateful he is healthy and strong and here! It's amazing that my love for him is just as strong and encompassing as with Julia and Ethan when they were born--my heart just seems to expand in capacity for each child. I didn't think it possible to love so much.
Below are pictures of Julia, then Ethan as newborns. We're trying to decide who Christian looks like, if anyone.

Rebecca! That is the most amazing birth story I've ever heard. I can't believe you drove! Sorry to stalk you, but I found your blog through Annie's and I wanted to keep up with you and your fam. Hope everything is going well and congrats again! Your kiddies are all so so so cute!
Congrats, congrats, congrats!
That's a crazy-quick birth. Sounds like it went pretty well, though, overall. I agree, I can't believe you drove! That'd be on intense drive!
Wow! GREAT birth story! I'm really impressed that you drove yourself when your contractions were that close. Wonderwoman! :)
Congratulations on a beeeeeautiful baby. I think he looks like Ethan. :) Can't wait to meet him in person someday!
What a fortunate birth! Hope you're recovering well and getting some sleep. He looks a lot like the rest of you. We miss you guys!
Congratulations! I am so glad that your delivery was quick. Hope you are recovery quickly. He is just adorable!!! Congrats again!
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