To celebrate school being out we decided that we would go on a long family hike the next day. We are thinking of making this a new family tradition for the day after school. We have our usual hike that we do that takes about an hour or two for the round trip. From the top of our usual hike we can see some radio towers off on a distant peak so we decided to hike to them. It was a long trip. There were a few ups and downs so it was somewhat difficult both ways. Agnes got carried the entire time, but everyone else did great. We left at 9 am and did our first break at 11 when we were about 2/3 of the way there. The last third was pretty steep and there was no real trail for us to follow, but we made it. At the top we took a break and had a picnic lunch. Then on the way back Agnes slept the entire way. She was super heavy while she was sleeping and I just can't imagine what it would be like to sleep while someone was carrying you. I wonder if you would have dreams about flying or floating or something like that. We finally got back at 3 o'clock and we were all exhausted.

On Friday we celebrated us all being off by doing a family temple trip up to Rexburg. We got up early so the kids could sleep in the car on the way there. I went first while Rebecca did breakfast with the kids once they woke up. Then, when Rebecca was in the temple I took the kids to BYU-Idaho again. This time I figured out how to turn the air hockey table on and the kids were super excited about that. After playing for about an hour we just walked around the campus. We walked through the library having a contest to see who could be the quietest, but a father walking around with 5 small kids on a college campus still got a few looks. As we were leaving the library we ran into one of the sister missionaries that served in our ward in Alaska. She had been home from her mission for exactly one year and she thought it was really cool to run into us on her year mark. When we got back to Pocatello we went to the Pizza Pie Cafe. Julia, Ethan, and Christian all got free buffet coupons from school for them and a sibling. So Rebecca and I were the only ones that had to pay and we still have some free coupons left over. It had been a long time since I had been to an all you could eat pizza place and it brought back some memories. It wasn't the best quality pizza, but it was fun to let everyone get whatever types they wanted. Rebecca and I ended up tying at 9 pieces each, which isn't all that much, but we were both stuffed. If it was a little better quality I think I could have gotten a few more pieces in, but when I was starting to feel full I just didn't have much motivation to keep going. The kids have been getting a lot of free coupons this year for their reading - in addition to Pizza Pie Cafe , we have also gotten a few for Texas Roadhouse, Burger King, Little Caesars, an frozen yogurt place, and a couple more.