On Saturday the children made paper dragons. They had a lot of fun with that. We also watched a couple of cool dragon dance videos, like this one (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4WUnWPpRslM). This next one is a lion dance, but they are really cool so we had them watch a couple of these too (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Se2n0cmBefU).
We also had them do some Chinese calligraphy.
Agnes wore her Chinese dress to church and received a ton of compliments.
For the Chinese food we had taro filled steamed buns. Rebecca said that these were the best ones that I had made yet.
Here they are before steaming.
This is them after steaming.
Besides the buns we had some excellent fried rice that Rebecca made and some egg drop and corn soup.
For dessert we had a traditional Chinese New Year cake. I don't think I ever had this on my mission. The only ingredients in this are water, brown sugar, rice flour, and a little bit of almond extract. Once you mix all those together you just steam it for three hours. It was really interesting, but not something we would probably ever make again.
And of course you can't celebrate Chinese New Year without red envelopes. We didn't have any real Chinese ones, so I just had to color some regular envelopes red.
We are getting really excited for our trip just a few months away.