Julia and Ethan both shared their testimonies in church today and we were amazed at how well they did. Ethan talked about knowing that Heavenly Father, Jesus, and all of his family members love him. Julia talked about how valuable the atonement is and how we should really try to make use of it by repenting.
Julia has been on a poem kick lately. Here are a couple of her recent ones about me and Rebecca.
Kind and sweet.
Mother, you helped me since I was small,
And now I am tall.
I'll thank you with all.
Mother is so kind,
She helps anyone she can find.
Her cooking is great,
So we ate.
She has kind words to all,
Whether they big or small.
She came for the best,
Altogether she is put to the test.
I'll love her forever,
She is the best mom ever.
Your daughter,
"Mom / Dad
Clouds race by,
On an evening sky,
While the sun goes downward,
But the Earth spins onward.
And the sky is turning,
Dark, dark, blue,
And the owl goes,
Whoo, whoo, whoo,
So I’ll love you too.
From Julia"
She wrote this one today because Christian is feeling sick.
You are as nice as can be,
You're on of the best brothers as I can see,
I'll love you forever,
You're as kind as ever,
I hope you get feeling better,
Because you're one of the best brothers ever.
Even though you're sick,
You are as strong as a mountain,
But as handsome as a fountain.
Christian, I hope you get feeling better. I love you so much. I am praying for your. Get relaxed, and stay comfortable. Lots of love from, your sister, Julia."
We were thinking that this was going to be a long week for Julia, Ethan, and Christian, getting back into the school routine. Monday was off for New Years, but then because of all of our Monday night prep, Tuesday actually went pretty smoothly. Wednesday went fairly well too. And then school was canceled both Thursday and Friday. I was surprised about that, because they usually just do indoor recess when the weather is cold, so I didn't understand what the worry really was. On Friday in our car we saw it at -17. It has been pretty cold the past few days, but today it started warming up and tomorrow it is even supposed to rain!