We celebrated Julia's 10th birthday this weekend as well. Her birthday isn't until the 12th of this month, but we will be spending all that day in the car driving home from Las Vegas.
I am always excited to see what the children pick for their meals on their birthdays. This year Julia picked an apple streusel pizza with bacon on the side for breakfast, mini pita pizzas for lunch, and then homemade macaroni and cheese for dinner. They were all yummy. And then Rebecca made an amazing German chocolate cake for dessert. After a long day of fasting I am looking forward to having another big piece of it tonight.
Julia decided that she wanted to have a friend birthday party this year. It has been a long time since she has had a party with friends, so we thought that was pretty cool. She decided on a tea party theme and everyone was supposed to bring a doll or stuffed animal. I drafted up two party invitations for her to choose from; she gave me a exasperated "daaaaaaad" after I showed her the first one, and quickly gave her approval when I showed her the second one.
I think there were about 9 girls that showed up, plus her siblings. We started the party by having everyone introduce their dolls. Then we sat in a circle and everyone closed their eyes and they had to pass around the dolls with their eyes closed until they thought they had their own one.
After that, we made paper tea cups. This turned out to be a great activity. It took me an hour or so to get everything ready for it, but the girls all loved doing this and it took up about 45 minutes of the party time. I found the idea for this online, but the person who demonstrated it had card-stock and all these punch things and other craft tools to make all of the cuts and decorations. We just did it with regular paper. I did some of the main cuts ahead of time and drew lines for where all of the remaining cuts or folds had to be. Here is the template I came up with based on the one I watched online.
Before doing all of the final folding and taping the girls all got to color their own designs on them. Here is Ethan's finished product. They did look better, but his had been smashed up in the garbage this morning.
They were somewhat difficult, but perfect for the 9-10 year old range and I think they all liked it.
Then we did the tea party part. Rebecca and Julia made them a bunch of snacks, including apple puffed pastries that looked like roses, lemon flowers, finger sandwiches, fruit skewers, pink lemonade, and chocolate cupcakes with pink frosting.
After the tea party Julia really wanted to do dodge ball. Some of the girls were more into that than others. There was one little girl who wore a tutu and each time she just stood there close to the line and didn't even try to jump out of the way when the ball was thrown at her. Other girls were more into it, but I think the roughest player of all was Ethan. He just loved throwing the ball at the girls and he throws it pretty hard now.
We had a game of musical chairs after that, and then it was about time for all of the girls to go home.
Julia said that it was a great party and she had a really fun time.
One of the girls gave her Apples to Apples Junior so we played that for a little bit before dinner. And then after dinner Julia picked Little Women for the Saturday night movie.
Julia's big present this year was a sewing machine. That seems to old for our little girl, but she was super excited. It has been a few years since we have had a sewing machine in our home, so that counted for a present for all of us I guess.